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How Roam increased loyalty member spend by 92% with Hang

4x monthly visits 28% increase in dine-in revenue 92% increase in customer value 49% of dine-in revenue from loyalty members


Monthly Visits


Increase in Customer Value


of dine-in revenue comes from loyalty members

How Roam increased loyalty member spend by 92% with Hang

Learn how Roam launched its ideal loyalty program — and increased customer value by 92% — by partnering with Hang.

Monthly Visits
Increase in Customer Value
of dine-in revenue comes from loyalty members
Monthly Visits
Increase in Customer Value
of dine-in revenue comes from loyalty members


4x monthly visits 28% increase in dine-in revenue 92% increase in customer value 49% of dine-in revenue from loyalty members

“What sets Hang apart from other loyalty programs? Their simplification, integration with Toast, and the time, attention, and care they’ve taken with the product. It’s worked seamlessly from the beginning and keeps getting better.”

Lynn Gorfinkle, Co-Founder and COO of Roam Artisan Burgers
  • 4x monthly visits
  • 28% increase in dine-in revenue
  • 92% increase in customer value
  • 49% of dine-in revenue from loyalty members

“What sets Hang apart from other loyalty programs? Their simplification, integration with Toast, and the time, attention, and care they’ve taken with the product. It’s worked seamlessly from the beginning and keeps getting better.”

– Lynn Gorfinkle, Co-Founder and COO of Roam Artisan Burgers


Roam Artisan Burgers has served guests high-quality, nutrient-rich, popular American foods for over 14 years. Roam collaborates with farmers, ranchers, and artisans to create lively, seasonally focused menus of burgers, fries, shakes, sodas, and more. They’re also committed to being responsible stewards of planet Earth, enhancing people’s lives with good food, and supporting great farms like Strauss Family Creamery.


Roam wanted a modern, fun way to reward loyal customers

Many of Roam’s most loyal customers have eaten with them since they opened 14 years ago. To reward them for their business, Roam hoped to create a contemporary loyalty experience. Unfortunately, many platforms lacked the seamless Toast integration the Roam team needed to operate their point of sale.

Any solution they chose would need this feature. But their wish list also included:

  • A seamless customer-focused experience Lynn Gorfinkle, Roam’s Co-Founder and COO, says that one loyalty solution required customers to upload their receipts to earn points. Her team didn’t want to put customers through a fuss like that.
  • A good ROI on time and money – Many options required them to construct an app, a time-draining four- to six-month process that costs tens of thousands of dollars
  • Analytics insights – Many of Roam’s customers already dined with them several times a week, and the restaurant wanted to know what mattered most to them, aka what kept them coming back.
  • A fun way to share brand info — They wanted to expose guests to seasonal menu items and incentivize them to try new offerings.

Unfortunately, many loyalty program interfaces felt archaic, and none ticked all the boxes — until they found Hang.

“We were shopping for loyalty solutions, but even modern ones we saw did not fit what we wanted: something fun, a way to easily reward our guests and dive further into the analytics of repeat customers.”


Hang met every prerequisite on Roam’s list. They styled Roam’s loyalty platform into a beautiful branded interface that guests immediately found easy to use. It’s also completely integrated with Toast for easy sign-in at the register or online. And Hang’s white-glove service — which Lynn says is a rarity in loyalty platforms — added even more value to the partnership.

These benefits also wowed the Roam team:

Benefit #1: Personalized quests create menu buzz

In the past, Roam customers tended to buy their favorite items repeatedly. Now, guests explore seasonal offerings through “quests.” For example, when they sign up for the loyalty program, they receive points for trying three seasonal menu items. Those points get them free sides or seasonal veggies.

One long-term customer discovered a love for Brussels sprouts thanks to a quest. Since trying the dish at Roam’s Union Street location, the guest returns multiple times per month for Brussels sprouts.

Benefit #2: Gamification guarantees instant joy

Lynn says Hang fills one of the biggest gaps in the loyalty world: understanding how customers earn rewards. With other programs, guests don’t know when they’ll receive a reward. But Hang enables Roam to reward guests immediately — and almost every time they visit the restaurant — so they can easily “level up” to their next reward.

Here’s how gamification has transformed Roam’s program:

  • Games and activities from the kid’s program were expanded to include adults.
  • Mystery boxes create instant excitement and drive repeat purchases.
  • A modern user interface with satisfying animations and cookbook-quality photos make earned rewards more craveable.

And, for their first quest, customers are prompted to add the rewards app link to their phone’s homepage — giving them easy access and a visible reminder to come back for more.

The ROAM Rewards bookmark can be easily added to the customer’s mobile homepage.

“Gamification really fits with our brand. We’re serving fun foods, and it’s exciting for guests to open the mystery boxes we've developed.”


Hang’s cost-effective rewards drive 49% of Roam’s dine-in revenue

With Hang, Roam's loyalty program snowballed to thousands of customers. Thanks to turnkey onboarding and easy sign-up, over 30% of all customers who purchase in-store become loyalty members.

As more and more customers receive rewards, the program remains incredibly cost-effective for Roam. Lynn is almost shocked by the numbers — they’re giving away free fries, veggies, shakes, and sodas while seeing exceptional returns:

  • 4x monthly visits
  • 28% increase in dine-in revenue
  • 92% increase in customer value
  • 49% of dine-in revenue from loyalty members

Roam sees loyalty as a key component of their brand, so they’re prioritizing it as they expand into their next storefront.

“Everything about Hang is seamless. It eliminates the time and expense of developing a loyalty app. Instead, what we have is just as beautiful, and, going forward, I'm just excited to gamify more and engage guests further.”

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